Naming the Goddess


Naming the Goddess is written by over eighty adherents and scholars of Goddess and Goddess Spirituality, and includes contributions from Selena Fox, Kathy Jones, Caroline Wise and Rachel Patterson. Part 1 is a series of critical essays focusing upon contemporary Goddess issues. Part 2 is a spiritual gazetteer featuring over seventy Goddesses.

Native Spirit Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook (USED)

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Author: Denise Linn (USED) No Box in a Bag The Native Spirit Oracle Cards profoundly deepen your connection to the mysterious, natural forces around you.Created by Denise Linn, an enrolled member of the Cherokee tribe and the best-selling author of the books Quest and Kindling the Native Spirit, this 44-card deck with companion guidebook holds the keys to unlocking a wondrous realm where you’ll discover...

Natural Citrine Point


Write up coming soon!

Natural Magic (Used)


Author: Pamela J. Ball (Used) Before there was formal religion there was magic, and to this day there are people who purport to perform 'miracles' with the aid of magical powers derived from nature or the spirit realm. These powers are still out there to be tapped into by us. All you need is the knowledge and know-how contained in...

Nature Spirits & Elemental beings: Working with the Intelligence in Nature


Author; Marko Pogcnik Based on firsthand practical experiences of communicating with natural spirits through meditation, this eye-opening guide to healing the earth teaches how to work with elemental beings by describing each in detail while defining their roles within the web of life. As a result of tuning in to plants, trees, and animals, and illustrating the disrupted flow of...

Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides, and Ghosts

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Author; Atala Dorothy Toy Atala Toy's experience. Faeries, angels, ghosts, orbs, and spirits of place are just some of the life forms with which she helps us attune-and shows us how to record their image! Readers will cherish her rare combination of esoteric wisdom and practical guidance. With substantive clarity, she explains time travel, portals, dowsing, negative and positive vortexes,...


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Author; Ted Andrews Inside, readers will: Learn to read signs and omens in nature; Interpret the meaning of landscapes; Discover how plants speak; Explore the lessons and meaning of the plant kingdom through extensive dictionaries of landscapes, trees, flowers, herbs and more.    


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Nefertiti was the wife of the Pharaoh, Akhenaten, who was the founder of the cult of Aten, the One God, who resided in the sun. Nefertiti was an important part of a rebellion against the old Egyptian religion.  She was said to be the most beautiful woman of the age, and her face is still one of the best known...

Nefrite Jade


Key words: Luck, Prosperity, Justice Chakra: Heart Element; Earth, Water Planet; Venus Spiritual: Linked to Ma'at, Kwan Yin and Buddha.  Common choice for devotional statues. Magical: Commonly used in charms for luck, love and money.

Negate Negativity Energy Spray


Negate Negativity energy spray - Neutralize any negative energy around you including electromagnetic energies from televisions, computers, and phones. This spray is excellent for cleansing an area after heavy emotions have been released or where people tend to be cranky, whether at home or work. Spray in a room after heavy emotions have been released (great for therapists, teachers, retail,...

Neolithic Shamanism: Spirit Work in the Norse Tradition


Author; Raven Kaldera and Galina Krasskova A step-by-step guide to working with the spirits of ancient northern Europe • Explains how to build relationships with Earth, Sun, Moon, Plants, Animals, Water, Fire, Craft, Air, and the Ancestors through 83 practical exercises • Explores the role of altered states in spirit work • Outlines the ancient cultural rules and taboos to...

Neon Monstera Enamel Pin

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Are you a plant parent that loves the night life? Plants need sunlight, but you prefer neon? We have the perfect pin for your collection  Size 1.5” – Perfect for Jackets, Backpacks and hats Double-posted to be more secure Featuring 80s Glow Monstera Leafs Pantone Dyed Black Metal – For a flat, pure black Metal Butterfly clasps