365 Tarot Spells: Creating the Magic in Each Day


Author; Sasha Graham Discover the beautiful tapestry of magic and tarot, woven together to improve your life through daily spells. Tarot is the perfect magical tool, and 365 Tarot Spells provides everything you need to manifest your desires and make your soul’s intention a reality. This accessible guide shows you how to achieve your goals with spells for: Family and...

365 Tarot Spreads: Revealing the Magic in Each Day


Author; Sasha Graham Discover the power of tarot spells and how to use them to enhance your daily life with 365 Tarot Spells. Each daily spell is based on a magical occurrence or holiday that happened on that day. There are also specific spells for each of the 78 cards in a tarot deck. Each spell uses five or fewer...

African Cowrie Shells Divination


Author; Zolrak Discover the Cowrie Shells and Learn How to Read the Messages of Ifá and the Higher Spiritual Planes Divination with cowrie shells is one of the oldest known spiritual practices in the world. Originated by the Yoruba people of West Africa, cowrie shell divination is a powerful technique for connecting to the wisdom of ancestors, spirits, and deities....

Ancient Mysteries Tarot Book


Author; Calverley, Roger This book situates Tarot in its ancient roots, with particular emphasis on the tradition of the Mystery Schools. The suites are designated as Earth, Water, Air and Fire rather than the conventional Pentacles, Cups, Swords and Wands. The first part of the book is a review of the ancient sources of Tarot and the dynamics of the archetypes,...

Around the Tarot in 78 Days: A Personal Journey through the Cards

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Author; Marcus Katz Welcome to the land of tarot, where each and every card is an adventure of discovery Journey into the exciting world of tarot with this comprehensive 78-day course. Uniquely presented in a one-card-per-day format, this workbook provides a solid foundation in tarot—and offers new ways to enrich your life using the wisdom of the cards. Well-known tarot...

Back in Time Tarot Book


Author; Boyer, JanetUsing Janet Boyer’s BIT (Back in Time) method of working with the Tarot, readers will gain insight into the present—and ultimately their future—by exploring their past. Gone are arcane and hard-to-understand explanations of Tarot symbols. Boyer offers an intuitive approach that allows readers to "feel the truth" of the cards as they relate to the specific parts of...