Charm Bottles

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Uniquely hand crafted jars adorned with nature's treasures. Not one will be made the same. Herbs, gemstones and small oddities carefully selected for it's purpose. A write up will be placed inside describing its contents and symbolism.All specimens were ethically sourced and preserved.

Charms Spells & Formulas


Author: Ray T Malbrough By using the simple materials available in nature, you can bring about the necessary changes to greatly benefit your life and that of your friends. You are given detailed instructions for making and using the "gris-gris"(charm) bags only casually or mysteriously mentioned by other writers. Malbrough not only shows how to make gris-gris bags for health,...



Key words; Revealing one's path of service, purging inner negativity, protection, healing Chakras; Third Eye, crown, Solar Plexus and Root Element;  Wind Emotional; Helps one to dispel nightmares, overcoming fears, unconditional love  Spiritual; Initiates psychic protection, etheric purification, more synchronicity 

Chevron Amethyst


Keywords: BalanceChakras: Third Eye, CrownElement: AirPlanet: VenusSpiritual: Helps to open up the spirit to receive energy also beneficial to the conscious mindMagical: Helpful when creating a long distance energetic connection between to consenting parties

Chevron Amethyst Point

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Keywords: BalanceChakras: Third Eye, CrownElement: AirPlanet: VenusPhysical: Is used when trying to bring the body back into balanceEmotional: Helps to temper strong mood changesSpiritual: Helps to open up the spirit to receive energy also beneficial to the conscious mindMagical: Helpful when creating a long distance energetic connection between to consenting parties

Chickweed 1oz.


Latin name: Stellaria media Uses: Fertility and love spells, helps to maintain current love relationships, use in lunar magic, also for fidelity Energy: Feminine Planet: Moon Element: Water