Affirmations of the Light in Times of Darkness


Author : Laura Aversano In this collection of inspired prayers and powerful affirmations, modern-day mystic Laura Aversano actively transmits her healing wisdom and spiritual support, guiding the reader through thoughts and emotions into the uncharted territory of the unknown - through the abyss and into the light hidden within.  As a healer with limitless compassion, Laura works with the physically,...

African Cowrie Shells Divination


Author; Zolrak Discover the Cowrie Shells and Learn How to Read the Messages of Ifá and the Higher Spiritual Planes Divination with cowrie shells is one of the oldest known spiritual practices in the world. Originated by the Yoruba people of West Africa, cowrie shell divination is a powerful technique for connecting to the wisdom of ancestors, spirits, and deities....

Africville (HC) - Français


Authors : Josephine Watson, Eva Campbell, Shauntay Grant Translated in French.  Children's Poetry Alors qu’une jeune fille visite le site historique d’Africville, à Halifax en Nouvelle-Écosse, elle se remémore les histoires qu’elle a entendues dans sa famille.

Agatized Coral


Write up coming soon!

Agnitite Quartz


Write up coming soon!

Agrimony 1oz.


Latin name; Agrimony eupatoria Uses; Protection, sleep aid, all purpose, healer, hex breaker, anti-inflammatory - Agrimony is often used in spells, rituals and mojo bags to protect from and expel negative energies and influences.  Energy; Male Planet; Jupiter Element; Air

Air Element


A hand reference of the Element of Air parchment.  Size; 8 1/2" x 11"

Air Magic


Author: Astrea Taylor Inspire Your Craft with the History, Lore, and Practice of Air Magic Filled with spells, rituals, meditations, and correspondences, this impressive entry in Llewellyn's Elements of Witchcraft series strengthens your connection to the element of air. Astrea Taylor presents amazing methods for activating the air energy within you and raising your practice to new heights. Learn about...

Albano-Waite Tarot


Reprint of the 78-card tarot deck published in 1968 and based on Pamela Colman Smith's designs.  

Alchemist's Handbook


Author; Frater Albertus Formerly handed down under oath of secrecy, this clear, concise handbook discusses: the fundamental principles of alchemy; directions for the formation of an inexpensive home laboratory, with illustrations of the necessary equipment; step-by-step instructions for the work of the Lesser Circulation, the alchemical transformation within the plant kingdom?the necessary prerequisite for any work in the mineral kingdom.

Alchemy 1977 England Tarot


Famous around the globe for their stunning gothic artwork and steampunk accessories. Fans of this iconic brand will recognize and appreciate the powerful and seductive images in this extraordinary tarot deck. This captivating mix of art from world famous gothic illustrators ranges from traditional horror to lush supernatural scenes to medieval fantasy.Boxed deck (2½ x 4½) includes 78 full-color cards...

Alchemy Rising


Author; Heliophilus Alchemy Rising: The Green Book is the first in a projected trilogy by the alchemist Heliophilus that aims to unveil the Sacred Art. Alchemy is the central pillar of Hermeticism, essential for both understanding and undertaking the magical work of the Western tradition, which is steeped in its symbolism. As such, the initiatory lessons of this opening volume comprise a...