Practicle Pendulum Book


Author;  Includes 38 pendulum charts specially prepared for this book with complete instructions on how to use them.The use of pendulums as divining tools is centuries old. Like other dowsing systems, they are driven by the energy fields around them, yet one need not be an expert in energy work to take advantage their powers. And, by following a few...

Prasiolite (Green Amethyst)


Key Words: Awakening the Heart, Linking the Lower and Higher Self, Deep Connection with Nature Chakras: Heart, Crown, Third Eye, Solar Plexus Element: Earth Emotional: Facilitates the Joy of Seeing the Devine in Oneself and Others Spiritual: Initiates one's experience of the Higher Self  

Prasiolite Alien Skull


Hand carved Prasiolite Skull 207g

Prehnite Large


Key words; Inner peace, union of heart and the will, communication with nonphysical beings Chakras; Solar Plexus and Heart Element; Earth, Water Emotional; Brings peaceful awareness, dispel worry and restlessness  Spiritual; Attunes one to higher dimensions through heart awareness

Prehnite Small


Key words; Inner peace, union of heart and the will, communication with nonphysical beings Chakras; Solar Plexus and Heart Element; Earth, Water Emotional; Brings peaceful awareness, dispel worry and restlessness  Spiritual; Attunes one to higher dimensions through heart awareness

Preseli Bluestone (Stonehenge stone)


Keywords: Time travel, Heritage Chakras: Solar Plexus Element: Earth Planet: Earth, The Galaxy Emotional: Is used to help instill courage and promote willpower. Spiritual: Useful in past life regressions to open the doors as well as keep you anchored in the present.  Can also be used to connect to Welsh and English heritage.  Helpful when accessing cellular and genetic memory....