Red Calcite


Write up coming soon!

Red Cedar wood 1oz.


Latin name; Cedrus libani Uses; Protection, known as the tree of life, purification, attracts money, healing Energy; Male Planet; Sun Element; Fire   Photo provided by supplier 

Red Clover 1oz.


Latin name; Trifolium pratense Uses; aids in financial arrangements, lust potions, removes negative spirits Energy; Male Planet; Mercury Element; Air

Red Jasper


Key Words: Physical Strength, Vitality, Stabilization of One's Energies Chakras: Root, Sexual/Creative Element: Earth & Fire Planet; Mars Emotional: Aids in Releasing Attachment to Negative Emotional or Sexual Experiences Spiritual: Stimulates the Root Chakra, Supports Rising of the Kundalini Energy  

Red Jasper Rough



Red Pine Needles 1/2oz.

Sold Out

Write up coming soon

Red Sandalwood


Latin name; Santalum santalinus Uses; Protection, wishes, healing, excorcism, spirituality  do not ingest! Energy; Female Planet; Moon Element; Water  Size; 1oz

Red Snake Skin Agate


Keywords: Zeste for life  Chakras: Base, Root or Third Eye Element: Fire Planet: Mercury Emotional: Useful when reclaiming your power and control after abuse. Spiritual: Can be used to awaken Kundalini energy.  Sacred stone to some indigenous American tribes, representing the snake spirit.  Magical: Use to help break through self-inflicted energetic barriers and to overcome fear.

Red Tigers Eye


Keywords: Strength, Vision, Protection Chakras: Root Element: Fire Planet: Mars Emotional: Perseverance and strength in the face of obstacles.  Selflessness Spiritual: Helps connect to cellular memory and instinct Magical: Use to take back your power and protect against those who would wish you ill.  It is especially useful for those who assist others.   **Product may differ from photo

Red Tigers Eye Large


Keywords: Strength, Vision, Protection Chakras: Root Element: Fire Planet: Mars Emotional: Perseverance and strength in the face of obstacles.  Selflessness Spiritual: Helps connect to cellular memory and instinct Magical: Use to take back your power and protect against those who would wish you ill.  It is especially useful for those who assist others.   **Product may differ from photo

Resin Incense Stick


- Auroshikha Benzoin Natural - relaxing and calming.Spiritual uses - Purification, Success, Meditation, Peace & Love - Auroshikha Gum Copal Natural - uplifting and purifying.Spiritual uses - Purification, Consecration, Exorcism, Love - Auroshikha Gum Damar Natural - cooling and upliftingSpiritual uses - Protection, Cleansing, Happiness - Auroshikha Frankincense Natural - calming and head clearing - The best incense during meditationSpiritual uses - Purification , Meditation, Protection, Consecration...