Tree Agate


Keywords: Solid but Flexible, Deep Connections, Family Chakras: Heart Element: Water, Earth Planet: Jupiter Spiritual: Reminds you to make connections with those who feed your spirit and to release those who leave you feeling drained. Magical: Use when connecting to nature spirits and when doing ancestor work.



Key Words: Wholeness, Communication, Spiritual Expansion Chakras: Throat Element: Storm Emotional: Encourages Self-Forgiveness and the Release of Useless Regrets Spiritual: Inspires One to Act out of Truth, Compassion and Forgiveness  



Write up coming soon.



Key words; Healing, balance, release of bad habits, higher attunement, patient persistence Chakras; All Element; Earth Spiritual; Raises the vibration of the physical and emotional bodies by helping release disharmonious emotional patterns and the lover emotional frequencies 



Key words; Inner peace, love and compassion, alighnment of the physical and light bodies, simplicity, clarity, emotional healing. Chakras; Heart Element; Water  Emotional; Opens the heart and kindles long-lasting emotional well-being Spiritual; Inspires one to release negative patterns into the light, instills inner harmony.  

Vatican Stone


Keywords: Divine Connection Chakras: Root Element: Water, Earth Planet: Saturn Spiritual: Find calm and peaceful mind by dismissing paranoia and negative thoughts.  Magical:  Use to make peace with the past and to connect to ancestral wisdom.