The damnation powder is a powerful hexing sachet. Place on the clothing or around the home of your enemy to place a powerful jinx on them. Candles can be dressed with sachet powder. First you annoint the candle with the appropriate oil, then roll with the sachet powder. Size; .25oz
Use our High John the Conqueror Sachet Powder to increase confidence and help overcome obstacles in your path. High John is often used in spells and charms aimed at increasing strength, courage, and confidence, and is also used for protection, luck, and success. Candles can be dressed with sachet powders. First you annoint the candle with oil, then with the...
Wear or sprinkle out King Solomon powder to obtain a great sense of wisdom in all matters, enable wise decision-making, aid in great leadership qualities, or bring out the best of your academic studies and test-taking. Candles can be dressed with sachet powders. First you annoint the candle with oil, then with the sachet powder. Size; 1/2oz.
Money Drawing Sachet Powder is a blend of spiritually-infused herbs and minerals used to attract wealth and prosperity. It helps align your energy with the vibration of abundance and can be used by sprinkling it in your wallet, on your business cards, or in the corners of your home or workspace. Candles can be dressed with sachet powders. First you...
Peaceful Home sachet powder is a versatile magical product. Traditionally used to dress important paperwork or petitions, sprinkling on ground where the target will walk over, as a magical carpet sprinkler, container spells, mojo bags, or simply sprinkle on your altar. Safe to use on skin as a magical scented body powder, add to baths, and can be used to...
Wear or sprinkle the Prosperity powder for money, wealth, and financial success. Rub our Prosperity Power on your wallet to promote financial well-being. Candles can be dressed with sachet powders. First you annoint the candle with oil, then with the sachet powder. Size; 1/2 oz.