Author; Evan John Jones & Shani Oates Dual-authorship of the Clan of Tubal Cain’s Legacy defining 50 years of its organic evolution. Originating from within an unpublished ms written by Evan John Jones, the former Magister of the Clan since Robert Cochrane’s death in 1966, it serves Testament to the Will of Fate and Tenacity of Spirit here expressed, from its...
Author; Peter Stockinger Unlock the hidden powers of crystals and gemstones. For millennia, magicians and astrologers, familiar with celestial magic, knew that precious stones held an important key for the maintenance of health and wellbeing. During the Age of Reason this knowledge was lost. Now, nearly 400 years later drawing from ancient sources, Peter Stockinger’s astro-magical lapidary invites you to...
Author; Shani Oates Analogue of Craft historiography, brought up to date through the author’s own experiential praxis. A discursive investigation of magical beliefs and practises in England since 600CE to the post-modern fall-out of the 21st century, analysing in particular its influences and survival strategies. Emphasis is placed on Christian, Heathen, and Hermetic Praxis, with provocative, critical study of the...
Author; Sean Fitton For many people Dionysos is an obscure Greek god of wine and theatre. For others he is so much more. The Dionysian Spirit examines, in an easy and accessible form, the essence of what Dionysos is all about, both as a deity and as a cultural and social force. It looks at the relation of Dionysos with his...
Author; Francis X King's The Flying Sorcerer is the only biography of an enigmatic 18th century magus Francis Barrett, whose book The Magus or Celestial Intelligencer, laid the foundation of the current magical revival. He was the first author since the middle ages to compile a manual or ‘grimoire’ of magick. The Magus or Celestial Intelligencer is widely read and still capable of...
Author; Shani Oates Following on from the groundwork of the first volume prepared by Evan John Jones, the thread continues through expansion, evolution, and return to the Weaver Herself. Experiential research bears fruit, en-fleshing the seeds planted by previous workers of the lineage. Guided and inspired by tradition, prompted by oracular observation, intellect and mental detective work. Concepts and core...