The Grimoire of Arthur Gautlet


Edited by; David Rankine The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet is an outstanding example of a seventeenth-century London Cunning-man's book of practice. Cunning-folk were practitioners of magic and herbal medicine who dealt with problems in their local communities. Cunning-man Arthur Gauntlet was based in Gray's Inn Lane in London, and his personal working book contains a fascinating and diverse mixture of...

The Guises of the Morrigan: The Irish Goddess of Sex & Battle

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Author; David Rankin & Sorita D'Este The Morrigan is probably the most powerful figure amongst the Celtic gods. The popular image of the Morrigan is as the goddess of battle and sex, a perception that only scratches the surface of this complex and manifold goddess. From bestower of sovereignty to earth goddess, from mistress of the animals to faery queen,...

The Temple of Hekate: Exploring the Goddess Hekate Through Ritual, Meditation and Divination


Author; Tara Sanchez The Temple of Hekate is a vibrant and exciting collection of modern rituals and practices exploring the mysteries of the Goddess Hekate. In this book Tara Sanchez draws together her knowledge of ancient practices and literature merging it with her personal experiences and ideas. Thoroughly modern, but steeped in history, this is a book of rituals, meditations,...

Time Fare and Spider Magic


Author; Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule From Greek Chronos and Hindu MahaKala to the feminine mysteries of Fate - from the Moirae to the Hoerae - this mythic HirStory (a union of history and herstory) explores the far reaches of time & its warp in the Web of Wyrd.Whereas Hawking's Brief History of Time is a scientific apprehension of the subject, this tome follows...

Visions of the Cailleach


Author; Sorita d'Este & David Rankin  Standing astride the British landscape there looms the giant blue form of the Cailleach. Whether seen as a benevolent earth-shaping giantess, harsh winter hag goddess, shape-shifting crone, guardian of sacred wells and animals, or ancient bestower of sovereignty, the Cailleach appears in many roles and manifestations in myths and legends across the British Isles....

Wicca: Magickal Beginnings : a Study of the Possible Origins of the Rituals and Pracitces Found in this Modern Tradition of Pagan Witchcraft and Magick


Author; Sorita d'Este & David Rankin The origins of the Wiccan Tradition have long been a subject of debate amongst practitioners and scholars alike. Did Gerald Gardner invent the tradition? Is Wicca a survival of a British folk magick system? Could it be a continuation of a European tradition of Pagan Witchcraft? Might it be that it evolved from Victorian...