Author; Robert Means Lawrence This charming exploration of traditional magical lore takes, as its starting point, the magical uses and traditions of the horseshoe, tracing its significance through ancient cultures, and its association with magical traditions of horns, the moon, and the serpent – all with a central focus upon the magical work of protection. Explored also are the magical...
Author; Ember Grant Featuring more stones, spells, group rituals, and meditations, The Second Book of Crystal Spells offers creative methods for advancing your magical practice to the next level. Building on techniques and information from The Book of Crystal Spells, Ember Grant presents this companion guide to help you work magic for protection, romance, divination, health, and more. Use tarot...
Author; Eileen Holland Need to bless a newborn babe? Wondering what color candle to use for a winter handfasting? What herbs are best to use when the Moon is in Cancer? Magick is intent, but any witch will tell you that intent requires forethought and preparation. And even the most seasoned ritualist needs a reference to determine the best timing...
Author: A.D. Mercer Even after the practice of witch-hunting and persecution began to wane, malefic sorcery was greatly feared as a baneful and pernicious influence, particularly in rural areas during the 18th and 19th century. The arsenal of folk-magical armaments against such powers included charms, spells, rituals, sigils, and magical squares, as well as the use of magical herbs and...
Author; Michael Furie 90+ Recipes for Every Intention from Healing to Prosperity to Love Join popular author Michael Furie on an exploration of the many brews, infusions, and elixirs that empower your magical work. Featuring more than 90 easy-to-follow recipes that call for ingredients found at the local grocery store, this hands-on book is a must-have resource for your shelf....
Author; Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule From Greek Chronos and Hindu MahaKala to the feminine mysteries of Fate - from the Moirae to the Hoerae - this mythic HirStory (a union of history and herstory) explores the far reaches of time & its warp in the Web of Wyrd.Whereas Hawking's Brief History of Time is a scientific apprehension of the subject, this tome follows...