Author; Gemma Gary Traditional Witchcraft – A Cornish Book of Ways is a 21st century version of traditional Cornish witchcraft, of the kind recorded by Hunt, Bottrell and others. This is no neo-pagan or modern wiccan manual, but rather a deep drawing up into modern times of some of the ancient practices of lore and magic practiced by the white...
Author; Nigel Pearson First published as ‘Treading the Mill – Practical Craft Working in Modern Traditional Witchcraft’, this new edition of Nigel G. Pearson’s popular book is presented with a new chapter, revised text and is complimented with photography from the author and new imagery. First published as ‘Treading the Mill – Practical Craft Working in Modern Traditional Witchcraft’, this new edition...
Author; Shani Oates This book explores historical and contemporary ideas of witchcraft through the perspective of the Clan of Tubal Cain a closed Initiatory group aligned to the Shadow Mysteries within the Luciferian stream. As students of arte we mediate the ancestral stream, teaching through practice with the sacred tenets of Truth, Love and Beauty. The Word is thus manifest...
Author : Diana Rajchel Discover how to engage with the urban landscape around you and harness the boundless possibilities for a thriving magical practice. Urban Magick shows you how to connect with your city's diverse ecosystem and channel the powerful energy running through it.Diana Rajchel invites you on an in-depth exploration of what it means to practice urban magick, providing...
Author : Pam Grossman A whip-smart and illuminating exploration of the world’s fascination with witches from podcast host and practicing witch Pam Grossman (The Witch Wave), who delves deeply into why witches have intrigued us for centuries and why they’re more relevant now than ever.When you think of a witch, what do you picture? Pointy black hat, maybe a broomstick....
Author; Laura Tempest Zacroff Create an authentic path of Witchcraft that works for you. How does a modern Witch embrace tradition while navigating a complex contemporary life? How can you remain true to your own authenticity when you're surrounded by a whole world of magical theories, practices, deities, and paths? Weave the Liminal explores what it means to truly be a Witch...