Mystic Moons specializes in a variety of arcane publishing, and offers you some of the most exclusive titles in the Occult/Witchcraft world.

We carry a large variety of esoteric subjects for all your interests.

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The Spirit of Botany


Author : Jill McKeever A visually entrancing and esoteric guide to connecting with plants through the senses. In The Spirit of Botany, artist and perfumer Jill McKeever reveals her personal rituals and creative methods of using aromatic botanical materials in incense, perfume, tisanes, ritual baths, and much more.In addition to dozens of recipes, McKeever offers her reflections on sustainability, synesthesia, creativity, and her own experience...

The Treadwell's Book of Plant Magic


Author;  Christina Oakley Harrington A handy guide to the traditional use of herbs and plants in magic and spell work. Plant magic is a perennially popular subject, but in most books on the topic readers must wade through eye remedies and cold cures to get to the actual magical powers attributed to the plants. In Treadwell's Book of Plant Magic,...

The Weiser Concise Guide to Herbal Magick

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Author; Judith Hawkins-Tillirson The ultimate herbalist's bible. Herbalism is one of the cornerstones of magical work, and The Weiser Concise Guide to Herbal Magick presents this vast subject in an accessible, practical manner. While it includes those plants classically associated with magick, such as mugwort, mandrake, and nightshade, it also provides lore and usage of more common plants, such as...

The Witch's Cabinet


Author; Corinne Boyer The historical record of plant folklore includes a persistent group of plants associated with witches, aversion and baneful magic. Reflecting a hidden dimension of the vegetal world, these spells, rituals, and taboos serve as mantles of ominous attribute, warning of these herbs' sinister qualities, but also suggestive of their hidden powers. Certain trees were widely considered cursed...

The Witch's Herbal Apothecary

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Author; Marysia Miernowska The Witch's Herbal Apothecary is a magickal book of recipes, rituals, and materia medica for reconnecting with the power and healing of Earth Magick. Author Marysia Miernowska is the Director of one of California�s most renowned herbal schools and named one of the top 15 witches on Instagram� (@marysia_miernowska) by Huffington Post.

The Witches' Ointment: The Secret History of Psychedelic Magic


Author; Thomas Hatsis An exploration of the historical origins of the “witches’ ointment” and medieval hallucinogenic drug practices based on the earliest sources • Details how early modern theologians demonized psychedelic folk magic into “witches’ ointments” • Shares dozens of psychoactive formulas and recipes gleaned from rare manuscripts from university collections all over the world as well as the practices...