Author; Amber Wolfe Call forth dragons and feel the ancient songs of the Celts stirring in your blood. Access the deep wisdom of the Druidic orders and reclaim the Elemental gifts of the Otherworld. Become a spiritual warrior of the Celtic Craft-a Dragon-Rider. The dragon is a symbolic representation of the alchemist's or magician's works of power. Druid Power presents...
Author; John Greer A living tradition of nature spirituality rooted in Celtic antiquity and revived to meet the challenges of contemporary life, Druidry offers people a path of harmony through reconnection with the green Earth. The Druidry Handbook is the first hands-on manual of traditional British Druid practice that explores the Sun Path of seasonal celebration, the Moon Path of...
Author; P.D. MacKenzie Cook Epona: Hidden Goddess of the Celts reflects the importance of gender in ancient religion, and the author explores the primacy of the Feminine through Epona’s sovereignty as Horse Goddess among the Celts; her identity as “Mistress of Animals” in her love affairs and working relationships, and the surprising role she apparently played in the ancient Greek and Roman Mysteries. P.D. Mackenzie Cook’s unique study...
Author; Christopher Penczak Christopher Penczak (Gates of Witchcraft and others) presents a modern grimoire for the Morrighan, introducing readers to this fierce Celtic goddess in her many forms and guises, and providing lore, guided meditations, magickal workings, and formularies for your own work with the Morrighan. In this devotional work, author Christopher Penczak delves deeply into the lore of the...
Author; Elen Sentier
Following on from the author's successful book Shaman Pathways - Elen of the Ways, this is a practical handbook filled with tried-and-tested exercises, journeys and experiential work for the reader to engage in. Essential reading for anyone wanting to begin the old British paths.
Author; Jeremiah Curtain
Twenty folk tales representing hundreds of years of the collective Irish imagination transport readers to a world where everything is alive and anything can happen! Vivid descriptions of battles with giants, dead men who come back to life, humans imprisoned in animals' bodies, heroes with incredible strength, and more.