We have an abundance of loose herbs all packaged in 1oz. bags (unless other wise noted), each package has a write up provided for their magical use.

Tax included in price.

Black Cohosh


Write up coming soon

Black Soapstone Mortar & Pestal


Carved of Soapstone this mortar and pestal is great for crushing and mixing herbs, resins

Black Tea 1oz.


Latin name; Camellia sinensis Uses; Courage, excitement, financial fortune, stability, strength, expelling negativity and can give energy. Energy; Female Element; Earth Season; Winter

Blackberry leaf 1oz.


Latin name; Rubus villosus Uses; Money, success, helps with anxiety and depression, aids digestive issues Energy; Female Planet; Venus Element; Water

Blackthorn Berries


Latin Name; Prunus spinosa Magical uses; Dark Goddess, deflect negativity, protection, otherworldly connection  Energy; Masculine  Planet; Saturn & Mars Element; Fire

Blackthorn Thorns


Blackthorn thorns also known as Witch Pins are used in a variety of ways from baneful to protection. These thorns can be utilized in charms, talismans, rituals and spells, dark moon magic and shadow magic. Associated with the planets Mars and Saturn Highly useful in magics of defense when keeping unwanted intruders at bay.  Size; 10 per bottles - various...