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Honey Aragonite


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$4.50 $4.05

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Idocrase High Grade


Key words; Uniting the heart and the will, enthusiasm for life, release of negative attachments, the courage to change Chakras; All Element; Earth Emotional; Encourages one to take joy in following one's true calling. Spiritual; Helps one recognize, follow and persist in the heart's desires.

Infinite Stone


Key words; Healing and protecting the auric field, activating kundalini, sensitivity to subtle energies. Chakras; Root, Solar Plexus and Heart Element; Earth Emotional; Encourages self-confidence and independence  Spiritual; Clears the aura of habitual negative patterns.



Key words; Inner vision, shamanic journeying, healing of old wounds, soul retrieval  Chakras; Third Eye Element; Wind Emotional; Encourages calm and resourcefulness in difficult situations Spiritual; Facilitates visionary experience in meditation 



Key words: Luck, Prosperity, Justice Chakra: Heart Element; Earth, Water Planet; Venus Spiritual: Linked to Ma'at, Kwan Yin and Buddha.  Common choice for devotional statues. Magical: Commonly used in charms for luck, love and money.



Key words; Protection, purification, grounding, Anti-Nightmare, Luck, Divination, Health Chakras; Base Element; Earth Planet; Saturn  Emotional; Clears the energy field negative emotional attachments Spiritual;  Facilitates entering and exploring the inner void of creation. Magical; Said to absorb negative energies. Wear jet to bed to ensure a good night's sleep with no nightmares.  

K2 Stone


Keywords: Aim Higher, Stand Strong, Transformation Chakras: Third Eye Element: Air Planet: Pluto Emotional: Courage under great adversity. Grace under pressure. Spiritual: Helps the user gain perspective beyond themselves.  Assists perception of everything from smallest atom to the expanse of the universe. Magical: Useful when working on strength and peace of mind.  Peaceful warrior’s stone.

Kambaba Jasper


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Key words; Divine love, emotional healing, activation of heat's knowing, Relaxation, Peace, Grounding  Chakras; Heart Element; Water & Earth Planet; Venus & Pluto Emotional; Aids one in becoming receptive to love and energy Spiritual; Connects one to the energy of Divine love underlying all of creation  



Key words: Magic, protection Chakras: All Element: Wind Physical: Amplifies the effects of healing prayers and affirmations Emotional: Aids in doing "inner work" to root out old negative patterns. Spiritual: Enhances psychic abilities; increases capacity to perceive with the inner eye; useful for magic ritual and psychic protection Magical: Master Manifester - use when working on bringing things and situations into being.   ***Photo may differ from...

Lapis Lazuli


Key Words: Inner Vision, Truthful Communication, Royal Virtues Chakras: Third Eye, Throat Element: Wind Physical: Aids in seeing the Karmic or Psychological Roots of negativity Spiritual: Enhances Telepathy, Past-Life Recall, Visionary Awareness, Deepens Meditation  



Key words; Calming, cooling, soothing to the emotional body, enhanced communication, feminine power, connection with Goddess energies  Chakras; Third Eye and Throat Element; Water and Fire Emotional; Promotes serenity, relaxation and strength of emotional self. Spiritual; Enhances one's link to the Divine feminine, aids in freeing oneself from unhealthy attachments. 



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Larvikite Large


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Lava Stone


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Lemurian Jade


Key words; Link with deep feminine, strength, courage, inner purpose Chakras; Heart and Root Element; Earth Physical; Aids in developing strength and endurance under stress Emotional; Inspires courage in delving into one's inner darkness Spiritual; Supports the process of self-knowledge and self-realization, helps one to face and transcend the dark night of the soul

Leopardskin Jasper S


Keywords:  Wisdom Chakras: Root, Base, Sacral Element: Fire Planet: Mercury Emotional: Use when looking for strength and faith in dealing with the unknown. Spiritual: Though to be a shaman's stone it is said to be useful when journeying or communicating with animal spirits. Magical:  Use in charms to attract animal spirit guides or to encourage dream journeying.



Key Words: Emotional Healing and Balance, Purification, Serenity, Relaxation, Stress Relief Chakras: All, Especially Heart & Third Eye Element: Water Emotionally: Supports Emotional balance and Helps Dispel Worry Spiritual: Inspires Serenity, Aids Spiritual Purification, Deepens Meditation  

Lepidolite Rough


Key Words: Emotional Healing and Balance, Purification, Serenity, Relaxation, Stress Relief Chakras: All, Especially Heart & Third Eye Element: Water Emotionally: Supports Emotional balance and Helps Dispel Worry Spiritual: Inspires Serenity, Aids Spiritual Purification, Deepens Meditation  



Keywords: Steadyness, Courge Chakras: Third Eye, Crown and Solar plexus Element: Fire Planet: Sun Emotional: Is said to help be more sure footed and grounded in difficult situations. Spiritual: Use to tap into your inner wisdom and knowing Folk Remedies: Can be used anywhere both clear quartz and golden tiger's eye are recommended.  Magical:  Use to connect to or represent the Sun gods.