Wide selection of Tumbled, Rough, shaped, clusters and more.

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Black Jade (small)


Write up coming soon!

Black Moonstone


Key words; Protection, Dark Moon, divination, rebirth Chakras; Third Eye and Crown Element; Wind and Water  Planet; Moon Emotional; Inner tranquility, calmness, patience, helps to stabilize rocky relationships Spiritual; Stimulates deep inner reflection, aids in learning the deep mysteries of thy self.

Black Obsidian


Key Words: Psychic Protection, Grounding, Cleansing of Negativity, Spirit communication, Dinination, Peace Chakras: Root Element: Fire  Planet; Saturn Emotional: Helps Dispel Self-Judgment and Self-Sabotage Spiritual: Facilitates Psychic Cleansing, Grounding, Protection, Spirit Communication Folk Remedies; It is believed that black obsidian draws imbalances to the surface and helps to release them. It is said to also reveal half truths.

Black Onyx


Key Words: Inner Strength, Focused Attention, Willpower, Self-Mastery, Discipline, Reason Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus, Third Eye Element; Fire Planet; Mars and Saturn Emotional: Exerts a Calming Influence, Engenders Confidence and Power Spiritual: Encourages Persistence, Willpower, Enhances Mental Ability

Black Tektite


Key word; Connection with ET's, Telepathic communication, raising one's vibrational level. Chakras; All Element; Storm   Spiritual; Increases psychic sensitivity, enhances telepathic link to ET's