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Key words; Tranquility, upliftment, expansion of awareness, manifestating the spiritual in the physical, opening to the higher worlds  Chakras; Third Eye and Crown Element; Wind Spiritual; Ideal for attuning to higher dimensions, expanding awareness.

Petrified Wood


Key words; Steady growth, a strong body, past-life, inner peace Chakras; Root and Third Eye Element; Earth Emotional; Encourages inner peace, patience; helps heal ancestral issues Spiritual; Opens visionary awareness of the deep past and past lives.

Petrosky Stone


Write up coming soon.

Picasso Stone


Write up coming soon.

Picture Jasper


Key words; Inner journey to sacred sites and ancient civilizations, connecting with Earth's consciousness Chakras; Third and Root Element; Earth Emotional; Helps one emotionally reconnect to the Earth and to the ancient knowledge of living in balance Spiritual; Aids in attuning to power spots through Earth's electromagnetic field and energy systems, can help one link with distant places and times



Key words; Insight, intuition, increased power of will, precognition, interdimensional travel, self-transformation Chakras; Solar Plexus and Third Eye Element; Storm Emotional; Empowers the will and lends self-confidence and fearlessness  Spiritual; Highly spiritually activating, catalyzes peak experiences, powerful aid to manifestation 

Pink Botswana Agate


Write up coming soon.

Pink Opal


Write up coming soon.

Pink Tourmaline on Matrix


Key words; Love, emotional healing Chakras; Heart Element; Water Emotion; Helps repair holes in the auric field from emotional wounds Spiritual; Encourages one to become a living beacon of love energies  Side note - matrix is another word for quartz



Prasiolite (Green Amethyst)


Key Words: Awakening the Heart, Linking the Lower and Higher Self, Deep Connection with Nature Chakras: Heart, Crown, Third Eye, Solar Plexus Element: Earth Emotional: Facilitates the Joy of Seeing the Devine in Oneself and Others Spiritual: Initiates one's experience of the Higher Self  

Prehnite Large


Key words; Inner peace, union of heart and the will, communication with nonphysical beings Chakras; Solar Plexus and Heart Element; Earth, Water Emotional; Brings peaceful awareness, dispel worry and restlessness  Spiritual; Attunes one to higher dimensions through heart awareness

Prehnite Small


Key words; Inner peace, union of heart and the will, communication with nonphysical beings Chakras; Solar Plexus and Heart Element; Earth, Water Emotional; Brings peaceful awareness, dispel worry and restlessness  Spiritual; Attunes one to higher dimensions through heart awareness

Preseli Bluestone (Stonehenge stone)


Keywords: Time travel, Heritage Chakras: Solar Plexus Element: Earth Planet: Earth, The Galaxy Emotional: Is used to help instill courage and promote willpower. Spiritual: Useful in past life regressions to open the doors as well as keep you anchored in the present.  Can also be used to connect to Welsh and English heritage.  Helpful when accessing cellular and genetic memory....



Write up to come soon!

Quantum Quatro


Composition: Shattuckite, Dioptase, Malachite, Chrysocolla - Smoky Quartz matrix Keywords: Transformation, Release, Elevate Chakras: Heart, Third Eye, Solar Plexus, Throat Element: All Planet: All Emotional: Helpful when working on deeply rooted scars.  (Grief, sorrow, abandonment) Spiritual: Use when opening the third eye to clear the spirit's vision. Magical: Use when channeling to maintain a shield against spirits and the like...

Que-Sera Stone


Composition: Quartz, Feldspar, Calcite, Kaolinite, Iron, Magnetite, Leucozene and Clinozoisite Keywords: Calmness, Serenity, Authenticity Chakras: All Element: All Planet: All Emotional: Used to assist those looking to lift their spirits and rise above anger and stress. Spiritual: Favors the balancing of the meridians, auric body and chakras.  Magical: Use in shadow work to overcome fears and phobias.  Can also be...

Rainbow Moonstone


Key Words: Optimism, Vitality, Inner Peace, Body of Light Chakras: All Element: Wind Emotional: Inspires Enthusiasm, Self-Appreciation, Joy Spiritual: Stimulates Awakening of the Rainbow Body of Light  

Rainbow Obsidian


Key words; Recovery from emotional wounds, the deep journey through darkness into light Chakras; Root Element; Earth Emotional; Encourages optimism and hope, supports the emotional body during dark times Spiritual; Aids one in coming through the dark night of soul 

Rainforest Jasper


Key words; Earth-healing, connection with Nature, joy in life Chakras; All Element; Earth Emotional; Supports renewed hope, invigoration and energy, aids in overcoming grief or depression Spiritual; Facilitates deep connection with Nature, aids in connecting with Nature spirits and devic brings

Red Aventurine


Key words; Discernment, determination, strength, crativity, sexuality Chakras; Root and Third Eye Emotional; Aids endurance, faith and perseverance through difficulty Spiritual; Facilitates insight, artistic inspiration, manifestation of visions

Red Calcite


Write up coming soon!

Red Jasper


Key Words: Physical Strength, Vitality, Stabilization of One's Energies Chakras: Root, Sexual/Creative Element: Earth & Fire Planet; Mars Emotional: Aids in Releasing Attachment to Negative Emotional or Sexual Experiences Spiritual: Stimulates the Root Chakra, Supports Rising of the Kundalini Energy  

Red Snake Skin Agate


Keywords: Zeste for life  Chakras: Base, Root or Third Eye Element: Fire Planet: Mercury Emotional: Useful when reclaiming your power and control after abuse. Spiritual: Can be used to awaken Kundalini energy.  Sacred stone to some indigenous American tribes, representing the snake spirit.  Magical: Use to help break through self-inflicted energetic barriers and to overcome fear.

Red Tigers Eye


Keywords: Strength, Vision, Protection Chakras: Root Element: Fire Planet: Mars Emotional: Perseverance and strength in the face of obstacles.  Selflessness Spiritual: Helps connect to cellular memory and instinct Magical: Use to take back your power and protect against those who would wish you ill.  It is especially useful for those who assist others.   **Product may differ from photo

Red Tigers Eye Large


Keywords: Strength, Vision, Protection Chakras: Root Element: Fire Planet: Mars Emotional: Perseverance and strength in the face of obstacles.  Selflessness Spiritual: Helps connect to cellular memory and instinct Magical: Use to take back your power and protect against those who would wish you ill.  It is especially useful for those who assist others.   **Product may differ from photo



Key Words: Emotional Healing, Recovery of Lost Memories and Forgotten Gifts, Self-LoveCompassion Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus Element: Fire, Water Spiritual: Profound link with Love Energy, Enhances Creativity, Brings Joy   **Photo may differ from product



Key words; Discovering and developing hidden talents, compassion, love, generosity, altruism Chakras; Heart and Root Element; Fire and Earth Emotional; Encourages altruism and generosity, the joy of serving other Spiritual; Helps realize one's unique capacities and fulfill one's destiny



Keywords: Nature, Innocence Chakras: Heart Element: Earth Planet: Saturn Emotional: Encourages a child-like enthusiasm for life. Spiritual: Helps create or strengthen one’s connection with the divine energy of the natural world. Magical: Use when meditating on the right direction to take.

Rose Quartz


Key Words: Love, Gentleness, Emotional Healing, Release of Stress, Uniting With the Divine Chakra: Heart Element: Water Emotional: Aids in Releasing Past Hurts, Teaches Trust and Hope Spiritual: Encourages Spirituality of Love, Links One With the Great Mother  

Rose Quartz Large


Key Words: Love, Gentleness, Emotional Healing, Release of Stress, Uniting With the Divine Chakra: Heart Element: Water Emotional: Aids in Releasing Past Hurts, Teaches Trust and Hope Spiritual: Encourages Spirituality of Love, Links One With the Great Mother  



Key words; Life force, courage, passion, strength, enthusiasm, adventurousness, protectiveness Chakras; Root Element; Earth Emotional; Inspires self-confidence, zest for life, trust and willingness Spiritual; Instills spiritual courage and altruism, brings forth Heroism

Ruby Kyanite


Keywords: Balance in all things Chakras: Root, Heart and Throat Element: Water Planet: Neptune Spiritual: Beneficial when accessing higher consciousness. Magical: Use when doing dream work to maintain conscious control over the outcome.

Ruby Zoisite


Keywords: Strength, Valor  Chakras: Heart Element: Fire Planet: Venus Emotional: Helps to directs anger and frustration in a positive/constructive direction. Spiritual: Connects to the goddess Athena. Magical:  Useful in rituals to join the energies of Mars and Venus.   **Photo may differ from product

Rutilated Quartz


Key words; Programmable for attunement, amplification, acceleration, expanding awareness, quickening and grounding manifestation Chakras; All Element; Storm Emotional; Intensifies feelings, quickens emotional catharsis, breeds optimism Spiritual; Aids telepathy and intuition, amplifies one's power of manifestation  Magical; used an an energy stone. You can wear it during magical rituals to increase the effectiveness of your magic.



Keywords: Justice, Forward Motion Chakras: Root Element: Fire Planet: Mars Emotional: Suggested to help with inner and outer conflict.  Spiritual: Use to help balance male and female energies Magical: Helpful in enhancing manifestation work.  Ensure that matching energetic efforts and strong moral ethics are practiced for best results 

Sardonyx High Grade


Keywords: Justice, Forward Motion Chakras: Root Element: Fire Planet: Mars Emotional: Suggested to help with inner and outer conflict.  Spiritual: Use to help balance male and female energies Magical: Helpful in enhancing manifestation work.  Ensure that matching energetic efforts and strong moral ethics are practiced for best results 



Key words; Inner peace, relaxation, tranquility, interdimensional travel, awakening the heart Chakras; Third Eye and Crown Element; Wind Spiritual; Facilitates interdimensional and time travel, link to higher realms 



Key Words: Spiritual Activation, Communion with the Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Angels, Serenity, Peace, Meditation Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Etheric Element: Wind Physical: Clearing Energy Blockages, Induces Inner Alignment, Facilitates Healing Emotional: Inspires One to Release Insecurity and Reach for One's Desires Spiritual: Facilitates Auric Cleansing, Upper Chakra Activation, Spiritual Attunement  



Keywords: Collaboration, Crossroads, Release Chakras: Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Element: Fire and Earth Planet: Mars Emotional: Useful when dealing with grief due to separation.  Also use in blended family situations to promote peace and collaboration. Spiritual: Use to help resolve past life issues in order to release them. Magical: It's combination of energies makes it ideal for scrying.



Key words; Self-healing, regeneration, wholeness, angelic connection Chakras; All Element; Earth Emotional; Aids release of toxic emotions, encourages a joyful attitude Spiritual; Assist communication with angels, devas, Nature spirits



Key words; Awakening of higher brain functions, connection with Nature Chakras; All Element; Earth Emotion; Helps one release fear of change and embrace transformation  Spiritual; Assists in awakening kundalini energies for personal evolution

Shattukite with Galena


Write up coming soon.

Shiva Lingham


Key words; Kundalini activation, vitality, and prana, spiritual transformation and rebirth, enlightenment, oneness with the all Chakras; All Element; Earth, wind, water, fire and storm Emotional; Helps one to merge ecstatically with the Divine Spiritual; Can awaken Kundalini energies and bring about samadhi **Photo may differ from product



Keywords: Purity, Protection Chakras: Solar Plexus Element: Fire Planet: Mars Emotional: Use when clearing old toxic thoughts such as guilt, grudges and programmed negativity. Spiritual: Calmness and fortitude are more easily attained when using Shungite in meditation practice. Magical: Use as a protection stone but can also be powerful in creation and transformation magic.

Shungite DT Pendant


Keywords: Purity, Protection Chakras: Solar Plexus Element: Fire Planet: Mars Emotional: Use when clearing old toxic thoughts such as guilt, grudges and programmed negativity. Spiritual: Calmness and fortitude are more easily attained when using Shungite in meditation practice. Magical: Use as a protection stone but can also be powerful in creation and transformation magic.