Author : Jacqueline Towers

The In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind & spirit subjects utilizing expert authors in their respective fields and featuring relevant visual material to smartly and purposely illustrate key topics within each subject. As an additional bonus, each book is packaged with index cards and/or a poster, to give readers an quick, go-to reference guide containing the most important information for the subject for easy practice and retention. With our lives a hectic combination of running to and from work, planning events, fulfilling family responsibilities, and building personal relationships, it is no surprise that from the first moment we wake up to late in the evening when we catch a moment to ourselves—if that is even possible—we are on overdrive for the better part of the day. Add in the almost impossible task of keeping up with social media inundating every extra moment we may have, it’s no wonder that we are a bunch of little stress balls waiting to explode, yearning for a meaningful spiritual reason that explains it all. In Focus Meditation breaks down all of the branches of meditation to teach readers how to dig deeper into themselves and untangle the threads of stressful living to give a clearer body and mind. Packaged inside the book are a set of 7 meditation index cards (front and back), which give readers a quick and easy meditation exercises to gain some clarity and relaxation.
