Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner: A Book of Prayer, Devotional Practice, and the Nine Worlds of Spirit


Author; Galina Krasskova and Raven Kaldera Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner is a ground-breaking look at the development of devotional work within the body of polytheistic religious traditions ranging from Theodism to Asatru to Norse Paganism, that comprise the greater umbrella of the Northern Tradition. While interest in devotional and experiential work within these traditions has been growing rapidly...

Numerology for Beginners

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Author; Gerie Bauer Would you like to have an advantage in life? Perhaps you'd like a way to determine such things as the opportunities and challenges you will face in the coming months and years. Or maybe it would be valuable to determine your compatibility with another person in advance. You might just like to have some more information about...

Occult Botany


Author : Paul Sedir A classic text on esoteric traditional herbalism from one of the most influential herbalists of the Paris occult revival• Includes a dictionary of nearly 300 magical plants with descriptions of each plant’s scientific name, common names, elemental qualities, ruling planets, and zodiacal signatures, with commentary on medico-magical properties and uses• Explores methods of phytotherapy and plant...

Odin: Ecstasy Runes and Norse Practical Magic (tp) NR

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Author; Diana L. Paxson Odin is arguably one of the most enigmatic and complex characters in Norse mythology. Revered since the Viking Age, Odin has been called the greatest of the gods - the god of words and wisdom, runes and magic, a transformer of consciousness, and a trickster who teaches truth. He is both war god and poetry god,...

Of Blood and Bones


Author : Kate Freuler Shadow magick occupies a critical role in the rich history of witchcraft, and it continues to draw strong interest from contemporary practitioners despite the limited information that is available. This book explores misunderstood topics such as ethically collecting and using animal parts and bones, blood magick, dark moon energy, hexing, scrying, dark deities, graveyard dirt, spells...

Of Chalk & Flint:


Of Chalk&Flint: A Way of Norfolk Magic Author; Val Thamos Of Chalk and Flint: A Way of Norfolk Magic is a celebration of the county of Norfolk and its Nameless Tradition of magic and witchcraft. The spiritual energy which informs and powers this magic wells up from the land itself and from the Chalk and Flint which have shaped the landscape,...