What Witches Do

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Author; Stewart Farrar What do witches do? What is it like to be a witch? Experience the process through the eyes of Stewart Farrar, author, journalist and witch, as he describes in detail the activities and practices of modern-day witches. Principles of healing and clairvoyance as well as rituals, invocations and initial rites are covered in depth as Farrar accompanies...

Witch's Ally


Author: Dodie Graham McKay Invite Animal Allies Into Your PracticeFrom the earliest grimoires, animal familiars and companions have been a vital part of witchcraft. This book covers all aspects of working magic with animal allies and how to create profound relationships with your own pets. In addition to folklore and history, Dodie Graham McKay shares dozens of charms, recipes, rituals,...

Witch's Book of Spellcraft


Author; Jason Mankey Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Spellcraft Whether you desire love, money, luck, or protection, this book includes the techniques you need to manifest your will in the world. This fascinating collection of magick covers everything from moon energy and herbs to creative visualization and poppets. Learn how to write your own spells or practice some...

Witch's Book of Wisdom


Author; Patricia Telesco A Witch’s Book of Wisdom is the ultimate grimoire of folk spells, offering a unique selection of magical solutions to many of life’s problems. Hearken back to a time when the solution to life’s problems could be discovered by having a chat with the local wise person. These folks were undoubtedly skilled in the magical arts and knew just...

Witch's Path


Author; Thorn Mooney Get Unstuck, Find Inspiration, and Take the Next Step on Your PathThe Witch's Path is all about raising your Witchcraft practice to the next level-whether you're a beginner who feels overwhelmed, a disillusioned adept, a jaded coven leader, or anyone in between. This book shares specific, hands-on tips for what you can do to move forward spiritually today,...

Witchcraft : A Mystery Tradition


Author; Raven Grimassi  Discover hidden lore, walk the wheel of the year, and align yourself with ancient wisdom with the help of Raven Grimassi’s classic title, Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition. The down-to-earth writings of Raven Grimassi are brought back to life in this renewed edition of Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition. Exploring various myths, legends, verses, and lore, this tome will shed some light...