Approx Dims: 5" x 4.75" x 9.25"
Material: Cold Cast Resin
Description: Hand Painted
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The abalone shell with its iridescent interior has been used by many cultures for centuries for cleansing. It can also be used as a water vessel on your altar. When not in use its a beautiful decorative piece. Large - 7-8"Medium - 4-7"Small - 3-4"
Anubis was the ancient Egyptian God of the Dead. When his priests embalmed the dead, preparing them for their journey to the underworld, they donned masks with the jackal’s head of Anubis. As service for the god Osiris, lord of the underworld, Anubis performed the “weighing of the heart” without which immortality was impossible. He also guarded the souls of...
Uses; Calms the nervous, protection, healing. (This can also be used as a base for DIY incense)
Especially crafted to help you within your ritual crafts (or standing alone) to call upon the Archangel Auriel, who is often viewed as the guardian and representative of the earth, this fine stick incense makes a powerful addition to your ritual magic. 12 pack
Serving as the messenger of God, the Archangel Gabriel is often called upon when seeking divine guidance and divine wisdom. Use this incense to aid you in seeking this in your ritual crafts, divination and spells. 12 pack
Especially crafted to help you within your ritual crafts (or standing alone) to call upon the Archangel Raziel, who is often viewed as the guardian and representative of the earth, this fine stick incense makes a powerful addition to your ritual magic. 12 Pack
Look to the Archangel Uriel to aid you in finding motivation and attaining your goals with the aid of this stick incense, specifically designed to aid you in praying to and calling upon this powerful angel. 12 Pack