Welcome 2025! Welcome the New Year!!
We cordially invite you to our 1st. Coffee Night of the New Year. We are in the depths of Midwinter, the Sun grows in strength every day. Now is the time to cozy up with a hot beverage provided by us donated by you...
We invite you to come sit a spell, connect, chat, share and reconnect with like minded folk. It is also a great way to meet new people.
We cater donated Tea & Coffee which is set up in our Full Kitchen to share with you. (We are still good on donations)
What to expect...
- Safe Space!
- Relaxing atmosphere
- a chance to shop after hours
- someone always there to help and answer questions you may have.
- and much more..
Something different for Coffee Night we will have a themed topic discussion. You are more than welcome to participate but it is NOT required. Participation also can included listening along with sharing. (Topic will be annouced in a few weeks)
We can't wait to see you!!
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December 22, 2024
Sarah Jones