Candle Magic: A Coveted Collection of Spells, Rituals, and Magical Paradigms


Author; Phillip Cooper Candles have been used for centuries to light the way in churches and temples, in religious ceremonies and in most religious practice. But you don't need to be a priest or priestess to use the energy radiated by candles. Cooper's book shows how to use this age-old energy to train your mind and change your life by...

Charms Spells & Formulas


Author: Ray T Malbrough By using the simple materials available in nature, you can bring about the necessary changes to greatly benefit your life and that of your friends. You are given detailed instructions for making and using the "gris-gris"(charm) bags only casually or mysteriously mentioned by other writers. Malbrough not only shows how to make gris-gris bags for health,...

Color Magic for Beginners: Simple Techniques to Brighten & Empower Your Life


Author; Richard Webster From our clothes to the color of our bedroom walls, we are surrounded by colors that influence our mood, energy level, creativity, and overall wellbeing. Richard Webster offers an astonishing number of ways to use stimulating reds, soothing blues, and every other color of the rainbow to our advantage. Webster begins with an overall picture of each...

Complete Book of Amulets & Talismans


Author; Migene González-Wippler The Pentagram, Star of David, Crucifix, rabbit's foot, or four-leaf clover . . . they all provide feelings of comfort and protection, intended to attract good while dispelling evil. Found throughout history and in nearly every culture and religion, amulets and talismans can be made and used by anyone. Spanning the world through the diverse cultures of Sumeria,...

Complete Book of Spells, Ceremonies, and Magic

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Author; Migene Gonzalez-Wippler This book is far more than a historical survey of magical techniques throughout the world. It is the most complete book of spells, ceremonies & magic ever assembled. It is the spiritual record of humanity.Topics in this book include magical spells & rituals from virtually every continent & every people. The spells described are for love, wealth,...

Composing Magic: How to Create Magical Spells, Rituals, Blessings, Chants, and Prayer


Author; Elizabeth Barrette You've attended rituals that took your breath away. You've borrowed spells out of books. You've read splendid Pagan poetry in magazines. Now learn to compose all these types of magical writing yourself! Composing Magic guides you through the exciting realm of magical and spiritual writing. You'll explore the process of writing, its tools and techniques, individual types...